DSGV President Reuter: Economic growth and a greater performance orientation are key to prosperity

SME Diagnosis 2024

“Germany’s economic strength is based on the premise that we are, and will remain, a democratic and open-minded country - where people treat each other with respect and tolerance”, said DSGV President Ulrich Reuter today during the presentation of the Common Economic Forecast of the chief economists of the Savings Banks Finance Group. Germany was facing significant economic challenges, he noted. Many people worried about the future. It was all the more important to secure and strengthen the foundations of economic success for the future. For this purpose, Germany would need to focus on its strengths and hold its ground in a new global world.

Only climate-friendly economic growth would enable Germany to preserve its prosperity. Reuter went on to state that “this can only be achieved if all the people in Germany who are able to work make a joint effort and if they are willing to work harder”.

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